My Brother, My Brother And Me (podcasts)
Free advice, from three of the world's most qualified experts.
My Brother, My Brother and Me 12: The Last Frownbender

It's time to celebrate the fact that you didn't blow off any fingers or hands during last night's Independence Day festivities -- why not exercise your still-present digits by clicking on the button which brings the sounds of our voices into your ear holes? It's right there. No, to the left. Left a bit more. Now you're playing Jezzball. Close that window. Click the X! You can do it, grandpa!

Suggested talking points: Sex Chameleon, Jumping to Pedo conclusions, J.P. Garglestench, your best worst friend, nose whiskey, the boner fairy, bucket list break-up.

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMeEpisode12.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:32am EST

My Brother, My Brother and Me 11: The Lesbian Apocalypse

After last week's up-close-and-personal encounter, today's episode is a refreshing return to form. The gang have all again sequestered in their own chambers, and are answering questions with replenished reserves of vim and vigor. In fact, some may call it our most vintage episode to date.
Suggested talking points: Heavily Zydeco inspired, Chief Yogurt Tester, Motorhead or other adult themes, derapitation, bevving out, accidental pedophile, two solid minutes of Austin Powers references, uggos.

Direct download: MBMBAM11.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:02am EST

My Brother, My Brother and Me: Episode 10

In this peculiar, jet-lagged episode, we discuss the Jesuses owned by each planet, how to french kiss and kicking internet porn addiction. And that's like, the first five minutes.

Direct download: MBMBAM10.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:55am EST

My Brother, My Brother and Me: Episode 09

Though forces of nature attempted to tear us apart, the brothers McElroy managed to carve 45 minutes out of our busy week to answer your queries. Sure, it resulted in one of our more unconventional episodes, but that's not to say it's "bad." Okay, the 22-minute freestyle verbal jazz segment was weird and unnecessary, but we think it works pretty well in context.

Suggested talking points: Uncle David's banjo, Mr. Stinky Booty/True Survivor, body shapes, strip joint follies, Dakota Memorial Mobile Spray Tanning Station, Swoopin' Osama, sexy clowns

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMeEpisode09.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:55pm EST

My Brother, My Brother and Me: Episode 08

After an unprecedented and, frankly, irresponsible one-week hiatus, we've returned to answer the deluge of questions the MBMBAM community flooded us with during the interlude. That just means we have a much sweeter stock of queries to choose from. Seriously, guys -- every single question in this episode is a matter of life or death. Especially  the one about teen make-out spots.
Suggested talking points: Golden Love Corral, Best Woman, Aaron (known dude), the circle of AIDS, long distance dating and shotputting, fat beers, Why Does The Sun Shine?, anger volcanoes, mama-law, friendship connections, On Kicking

Direct download: MBMBAM08.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:05am EST

My Brother, My Brother and Me: Episode 07

Our plate is heaping with questions on this week's show, covering a wide variety of issues and problems. Fortunately, we're hungry. For questions. Which we'll dip into our economy-sized vat of Sweet Answer Dippin' Sauce, and instantly devour. Romantic troubles? Chomp. Workplace drama? Munch. Just found out you were born a woman, but were surgically rendered a man when you were two years old? Delicious.
Suggested talking points: Musical girlfriend, customer love, The Lake House, Flo-rida, Babystruck, Rebel Without a Cause, Beerbabies, D'Angelo, Deep remembrance, an MBMBAM proposal.

Direct download: MBMBAM07.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:31am EST

My Brother, My Brother and Me: Episode 06

In this episode, we're answering questions that you're too afraid to ask, unless, of course, you were the one who asked them. These bold souls have been rewarded with answers to some of life's most difficult, most mature dilemmas. You know, things like, "Can I make a pee in the shower?"

We apologize for being eight years old.

Suggested talking points: Sleepy girlfriends, complimentary puppies, Sweet Valley High, a big bottle of P, the final test of love, Cyber-Congress, CSI: Vero Beach, Sway gave me a Penis Award

Direct download: MBMBAM06.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:51am EST

My Brother, My Brother and Me: Episode 05

We're halfway to double-digits, folks -- that's a major hurdle in the Podcasting realm, but we've cleared it with grace and style with the help of you, our beautiful listeners. As part of our "Halfway to Ten" celebration, the theme of this show is social party drinking: How to do it properly, how to not do it properly, and how to swiftly recover from its powerful effects on your internal humours. It's an adult show, largely about an adult topic, for adults.

Direct download: mbmbam05.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:42am EST

My Brother, My Brother and Me: Episode 04

Would you rather have an infinite supply of delicious cheesecakes, or be blind in one of your two eyes? We'll guide you through infinitely difficult conundrums such as these in this week's episode of MAMBAME. We'll also talk about blasting your core, strategic uses for lupus, and then we say the word "Jeffrey" like, 1,400 times. So, enjoy that.

Direct download: MBMBAM04.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:01am EST

My Brother, My Brother and Me: Episode 03

Wowza. Put the kids to bed, folks — this particular installment in the MBMBAM archives gets down and dirty with a bit of discussion pertaining to various … bedroom activities. No, we’re not talking about your toenail clipping ritual. No, we’re not talking about your nightly Craig Ferguson viewing. No, we’re not — intercourse! We’re dishing out some real talk about intercourse, and in a completely non-creepy way. For the most part. Except for that one part. You’ll know it when you hear it.

Suggested talking points: Moving away from your home town. Secret movie theater back rubs. Living with real-life ladies. Making sweet love to a rollercoaster. Denim: Friend or Faux Pas?

Don't forget to stop by our swingin' internet bachelor pad at Also, did you subscribe? You should subscribe.

Direct download: MBMBAM03.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:47am EST

My Brother, My Brother and Me: Episode 02

It's Monday and that means it's time to have literally every question you've ever had about life, love and laughter courtesy of the McElroy brothers. But honestly, why are you even reading this? Why don't you just head over to our OFFICIAL Web Presence at Also, did you subscribe? You should subscribe.

Suggested episode talking points: Is "totes" acceptable? Are you trying to hold my hand?

Direct download: MBMBAM02.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:10am EST

My Brother, My Brother and Me: Episode 01

Here it is, the podcast you've been waiting for: My Brother, My Brother and Me. It's an advice show, brought to you for FREE by three of the world's most qualifiied experts who are also brothers. If you'd like to participate, tweet with the #MBMBAM hashtag or email us at mbmbam aat gmail dawt com.

We love you.

Direct download: mbmbam01.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:26pm EST