My Brother, My Brother And Me
Free advice, from three of the world's most qualified experts.

Our erratic summer schedules made recording impossible this week, but don't fret: We've compiled our favorite bits from the earliest episodes into a one-hour nugget for you to listen to instead. Come, relive the origins of dad-lips-kissing. Take a trip back to the days of the ABBA intro. Remember the headset microphone recording quality, and then try to remember why you started listening to this show in the first place.

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe161.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:26pm EST

We return, refreshed from a week of mixed drinks and dolphin kisses. This episode benefits from that refreshment, as we spend no small amount of time talking about dolphin kisses, which are probably the best kisses imaginable.


Suggested talking points: Dolphin Heavenmobile, Tats, Eye Viscera Brothers, Yakov Smirnoff's Jerk-Off Haus, Sharknado IP Theft, Wallet Chain, 5'10" Hops, Vices

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe160.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:41am EST

We always ask that you share each new episode with a friend, but maybe don't do that for this one if your friend works for the government. Let's just say we've got a very special, very ... manhunted guest.


Suggested talking points: Shnowden, Screening, Reverse Jodie Foster, Hair Sister, Plosives, Worst Christmas Ever, Bank Humpers, Craigyonce, Big Percy's

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe159.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:18pm EST

Folks, we implore you, for the good of mankind, for the sake of your children and your children's children, for the betterment of the entire world and all its inhabitants: Just tilt the taco.


Suggested talking points: Patriotic Mash-Up, Snake Guy, Basketball Hyperkinesis, Pringles Yoga, Anger Two, Squishy Winks, Sheryl Psy

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe158.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:49pm EST