My Brother, My Brother And Me
Free advice, from three of the world's most qualified experts.

Hope you're having a great Monday, everyone! On the off chance that you aren't, we're here to boost your spirits with talk of inevitable death, Christmas shoes and then, for good measure, we ruin a Pixar classic.


Suggested talking points: Louisiana State Senator Jacob Sweetwater, Fistnanny, A Fleshy Bop-It, 45 Beedrills, The Killing Tree, Glassesface, Scat Invitational, Griffin Considers the End

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe189.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:29am EST

Apologies for the tardiness of this episode: Griffin was suffering from a hat trick of debilitating ailments, which are detailed in the first few harrowing minutes of the show.


Suggested talking points: Kissing Oil, Hair Toys, Toby Keith's Gunstaurant, Snakepiss, Moustache Will Brothers, Inner Jack, Amateur B&B Party, The Grandma Show

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe188.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:32am EST

This week, the brothers welcome their very first guestspert to the program: Cameron Esposito, who increases the show's normal amount of Macklemore-based discussion by roughly 900 percent.


Suggested talking points: Cool Runnings 2: The Bone Slide, Noodlecrying, Teen Gifts, 1/4 Centaur, Face Off 2, Apologist Protest Songs, Big Loafer

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe187.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:48am EST

This episode finds you, the wasteland survivors, after the ravages of the Big Game have already -- excuse the pun -- toucheddown. We pray you took the necessary precautions, and that our transmission might bring you some comfort in these trying times.


Suggested talking points: Surviving the Game, Utility Hog, Teen Clubz, Love and Marriage, Male Nipples: Explained!, Tweet-fu, Breakfast Socks

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe186.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:05am EST