Tue, 28 May 2013
Alternate titles for this week's episode included "Hair Pee" and "Cool Dads and Bondage." So, yes. Set those expectations high.
Suggested talking points: Stuff Crazy People Should Know, High School Swag, Dad's All That, Tummy Punch Love, Name Change, Sub/Dom, Jelly Batman, Badaboop |
Mon, 20 May 2013
Who will live? Who will die? Who will be betrayed? Whose terrible secrets will be revealed? Find out on this thrilling season finale of MBMBaM. And join us next week, for more, new MBMBaM.
Suggested talking points: Sweeps, In Vino Punchitas, Bully Vibe, A Cat Called Burden, Thinner and Closer, Farm Wisdom, Beeeeeees |
Mon, 13 May 2013
This week, Justin announces that he's ready to give the greatest Mother's Day gift of all: The gift of life. He's got a baby, in there. In that crazy womb of his.
Suggested talking points: Junior Disease, Complaints, Genny Up, Patricia Chiefin, Sexual Kobayashi Maru, Rattata Frittata, Homeland, Kid Court |
Mon, 6 May 2013
Can you guys even imagine how psyched we were for the Kentucky Derby? This is a day about honoring the best that horsekind has to offer. It's about the cream of the crop among a species that is already cream of the animal crop. Yes, please.
Suggested talking points: Acid Magnate, Second Place, Pony Regrets, The Best Testicle Day, Murdermask, Wolfwhistles, DuckTales |