My Brother, My Brother And Me
Free advice, from three of the world's most qualified experts.

We're centering our chakras and aligning our voodoo power centers to bring you our most spiritual episode to date. Come, join us as we look not only into the problems of our dear listeners, but also, the maladies of the soul.


Suggested talking points: Prisoner of Worship, Fridge, Third Wheel, Arch Duke Zach Morris, Dupree'd, Merksmanship, Bakulover

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe89.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:54am EST

My Brother, My Brother and Me 88: The Lion, The Witch and the Boyskinz


We're standing alongside our online brethren as we fight off the oppressive chokehold of internet-ruining federal legislation! If you don't find this week's episode amusing, it's because we blacked out all of the potential comedy. That'll teach you, Congress.


Suggested talking points: SOPA, Fourthmeal, Oberstian Punishment, YUUUUP, Creeped Off, Buttsongs, Cake Boss

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe88.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:45pm EST

Yes, we took an impromptu vacation last week, for which we're eternally sorry. However, we come to you today as fully refreshed men, prepared to answer your queries and assail the internet-at-large with verbal and physical abuse. Come, beat up the internet with us.


Suggested talking points: Footsmanship, Whipped, The Pebbles Voicemail, Goat Boyfriend, Twerk Squats, Mr. Paula Deen, Lettuce, Run-around, Full House Trivia, When to Hold 'Em, Pokeality

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe87.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48am EST

It's a new year, and a new you -- and man, we really hope that the new you likes goofs about wieners, because we have them in spades. We've also got a little bit of warm encouragement to help you complete your resolutions, couched comfortably within even more genital humor.


Suggested talking points: Twenty-Dozen, Hairstyle Secrets, Taco Coordinator, Hipster Walrus, Along Came Polly Museum, Dickbats, Bathroom Brother, Feety Pajamas, Loveboss

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe86.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:07am EST