My Brother, My Brother And Me
Free advice, from three of the world's most qualified experts.


There a lot of important, history-making events going on around this big, blue world of ours, and we'll be entirely damned if we're going to talk about any of them. No, instead we're talking about much more topical things, like if the Matrix is real.


Suggested talking points: Steaker's Dozen, Slarshed and Dumpst', Not Like This, Electric Neil, Love and Dentistry, The Cap'n and The Gorilla, Hip-Hop Steamboat, President Haggar

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe61.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:51am EST

We've wished our father a Happy Father's Day the only way we know how: By making him proud of the things we say in our audio podcast. We probably should have asked him whether discussions about Hitler's ghost are the kind of thing that made him proud.
Suggested talking points: DickTwit, Hanging Out, Taco Bell Practicality, Hitler King vs. TMNChurchill, Dylan's BBGear, Tag It, Perfect Ponies, Pudcast, Pawnties, Grandpa Foot Fetish
Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe60.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:37am EST

More real. More talk. More live. We took to the stage at the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company -- which is in Cincinnati, you might have guessed -- to do our second live show ever. Come, share in the yuks! Also, the animosity.

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe59.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm EST

Hey, you made it! We were getting worried. Some of the guys, they were like, "Oh, listener? They're not gonna show." And we were like, "No, man, you don't know listener like we know listener. They're good for it."


Suggested talking points: Phat Beach Con 2011, Kel's Antics, High Art, Peterin' Out, Normin' Up, Twin Mayors of Birthday Town, Megatoots, Another First Kiss, Verne Troyer Awareness

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe58.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:49am EST