My Brother, My Brother And Me
Free advice, from three of the world's most qualified experts.

Hey kids, it's me, your pal Alan Alda. I saw you getting ready to send that Tweet, and I just wanted to say: Twitter is real-life dangerous. The things you put online are like really fast cars, and so: Responsibility. Thanks again, from me, Alan Alda.

Suggested talking points: #MamboNo5, Nipple Shrapnel, The Toe, A Frequency Situation, Fondue Rules, A Giant's Eye, Navy Bean, Friles and Nasier

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe361.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:57am EST

Wait, don't tell us you're STILL chugging that full-power, unfiltered sports beverage? Listen: Nobody needs that much energy. Why not come down to our level with a smooth glass of a soothing Gatorade alternative? One for poet-types, and brain-thinkers!

Suggested talking points: The Cream Cheese Incident, Apple Juice Marketing, Subway Connections, Blapron, Sperm Maze, Go-To Sillyness

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe360.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03am EST

Hello friends! We are coming to you pre-recorded from E3 and we have all the hot scoops the we bet are definitely going to be something that happens in the future! So, enjoy this episode and all the HOT SCOOPS (from the past).

Suggested Talking Points: Big Fuzzy Balls, Screen Door Stories, Lame Duck, Levelated Dragons, Bound By Beads, Permanently Sealed, Taxi Cab Water Confessionals, Fresh Start/No Crumbs, High Noon For Garys

Direct download: mbmbam359.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Sorry it's come down to this, dear listeners, but we've been cops the whole time, and we've got to take you down for all the crimes you did while enjoying our podcast. We'd still love to have you over for the big cookout next weekend, though!

Suggested talking points: Underpants Watch, Sneakin' Out the Bottles, Friend Arrest, Sea Pork, Quaid Confusion, Infrared Bears, An All New Original Color

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe358.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:39am EST