My Brother, My Brother And Me
Free advice, from three of the world's most qualified experts.

We're one brother short this week, because -- get this -- Travis is a dad! He's on a break for a bit, so we're keeping the good ship MBMBaM afloat in his absence with this best-of episode. There's some good stuff in the 20 episodes included, although "consistent audio quality" is unfortunately not one of them.

0:40 - The First Bill Clinton Impression
2:18 - The Opposite of Love
6:53 - A Nice Long Run on Dilbert's Tie
12:08 - Adopt a Celebrity
13:39 - Stack Soap
16:09 - Christmas at Golden Corral
17:40 - Jurassic Park Accent
20:57 - Gettin' it in 20 Doz
25:05 - Fear of Tigers
26:16 - Extreme Restraints Jingle
27:45 - How to Improve My Scorpions?
34:01 - HBO Fear
47:33 - Beedogs
48:49 - Austin Powers Party
50:25 - Am I Good?
57:00 - Dark Web Inception
57:38 - I Hate You, Ron
1:01:58 - A Daymare Pile of Watercolor Donors
1:04:04 - MBMBaM Summer Classics Promo
1:05:45 - The Garfield Monstrosity
1:12:12 - Pizza Launcher
1:14:00 - Justin's New Character, Educated Justin
1:16:25 - Final Yahoo

Direct download: MyBrotherMyBrotherandMe327.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:29pm EST